The Next Generation of the Nikkei Community (Japanese)
(Japanese) I’ve been involved in the development on next generation of Nikkei leaders from Japan and I conducted various workshops for them. I realized that it seems that the third and fourth generations are not interested in the way that older generations did. For example, they don’t like to form large organizations, build a large assembly hall to get together, or organize some events for themselves with high goals though social clubs or kenjinkais which connects people with strong ties. Instead, the current generation sees having some Japanese identity as added value, so they plan matsuri or bon-odori or bazaars, but mostly they want to go out and have fun with their friends and classmates, many of whom are not Nikkei.
Fecha: September 22, 2019
Zona: California, US
Entrevista: Yoko Nishimura
País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum
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