Comparing basic training of US and Japanese Armies
Yes. June I was here and then for one thing, my uncle says, “Well it’s important when you come to the United States, you have to register. That’s the first thing I want you to do and then register for the Army Draft Board and then you get a social security card” which I did. And then September, I was drafted in the Army – 3 months later. I went basic training at Fort Ord for about 4 months. Infantry man so that was…I was very impressed the way Army trained the recruits here. You would think that American Army is easy life but it wasn’t. The basic training that went through in here was compared…just as hard when I was in Japan. And Japan basic training is…they’re something unrealistic. You’re barefoot and they’re making you walk all this in the cold weather. Then they give you shower. In the Army, I didn’t have to do that because…but basic training – real field maneuvering and whatever. The training was very, very tough. And so after graduated and then went to Japan and I was selected among about 30 people able to speak foreign language.
Data: June 17, 2008
Localização Geográfica: California, US
Entrevistado: Janice Tanaka
País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum
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