

Part 1 of 5 – History is Made: Namyo Bessho

While not exclusively the case, we can simply surmise that fascinating individuals with fascinating life events make fascinating history.

To appropriate Laurel Thatcher Ulrich’s famous phrase, well-behaved Japanese Americans seldom make history. From Fred Korematsu to Toyo Miyatake to Yuri Kochiyama, the Japanese Americans whose lives are memorialized in our exhibitions are primarily those who went against the grain and followed their beliefs.

Although the vast heterogeneity and hybridity of Japanese Americans across three different centuries makes it difficult to find the universal common threads of Japanese American identity, the ideas of resistance and struggling for justice are uniting points that make a historical museum like the Japanese American National Museum so interesting.

Namyo Bessho (Gift of Indiana Bessho, Japanese American National Museum [92.81.2])

While most of us know that Japanese laborers started immigrating to the United States during the end of the nineteenth century, did you know that there was a Japanese American in the U.S. Navy during the Spanish-American War?

Namyo Bessho was born in Japan in 1872 and immigrated to the United States during the 1890s. While most other Japanese in the United States were finding jobs as immigrant laborers in the agricultural or domestic industries, Bessho instead joined the Navy on July 9, 1898, and would serve as a cabin steward until 1921. He kept excellent records of his travels with the Navy, complete with fingerprints and health reports. He even served the Taft and Roosevelt families while aboard at sea.

(Gift of Indiana Bessho, Japanese American National Museum [92.81.13])

(Gift of Indiana Bessho, Japanese American National Museum [92.81.22])

(Gift of Estate of Indiana Bessho, Japanese American National Museum [2007.2.6])

Sometime in 1901, Bessho met Koh Ashidate at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, while she was performing with a Japanese dance troupe. From what we know, Koh Ashidate was married to Mr. Rikumatsue Ashidate, and she gave birth to her daughter Rikiko Indiana Ashidate in 1908 (her middle name coming from the state where she was born). At the turn of the century and in an era of immigrant bachelor societies and arranged marriages, one can only wonder the circumstances of Namyo Bessho first meeting a married woman, and later marrying her and adopting her daughter in 1912. Understandably, these are the types of specifics that have since gone to the grave.

(Gift of Estate of Indiana Bessho, Japanese American National Museum [2007.2.3])

(Gift of Indiana Bessho, Japanese American National Museum [92.81.6])

(Gift of Indiana Bessho, Japanese American National Museum [92.81.4])

According to the “grand narrative” of Japanese American history, Isseis were unable to gain U.S. citizenship due to several racist laws and verdicts such as Takao Ozawa v. United States (1922). Nisei children could be American citizens by birth, but it was not until after the passage of the McCarran-Walter Act of 1952 that Isseis could do likewise. However, Bessho actually was able to naturalize as a U.S. citizen in 1919, after a nine-year petition and legal battle. Sadly—although not surprisingly, considering the times—his American citizenship was later taken away and was not reinstated until 1935. Here is a picture of Namyo Bessho’s original certificate of naturalization from 1919 and a photograph of Koh Bessho when she finally naturalized in 1953.

(Gift of Indiana Bessho, Japanese American National Museum [92.81.11])

(Gift of Indiana Bessho, Japanese American National Museum [92.81.16])

In the larger scheme of Japanese American history, Namyo Bessho’s story is relatively insignificant. His actions did not directly lead to any national legislation, nor was his occupation as a ship steward particularly noteworthy. Yet this should not diminish the importance of knowing that he was one of the first Japanese immigrants to naturalize as an American citizen. It also should be mentioned that these pieces in our collection are especially valuable due to the overall dearth of Issei materials. Through Namyo Bessho, we can begin to see one of earliest examples of a Japanese individual blazing a new trail and dedicating his life to the welfare of his adoptive nation, regardless of whether or not his adoptive nation would claim him as one of its own.

In the next installment, I will examine another Japanese American history maker: chick sexor extraordinaire John Nitta.

* This item was included in the recent JANM exhibition American Tapestry: 25 Stories from the Collection (http://www.discovernikkei.org/nikkeialbum/albums/434/slide/?page=1)

* For Japanese readers, here is a translated article on Bessho by Akemi Kikumura Yano: http://www.discovernikkei.org/journal/2011/6/13/issei-pioneers/

© 2011 Dean Adachi

軍隊 (armed forces) 工芸品 市民権 コレクション 世代 移民 移住 (immigration) 一世 JANM collection 日本 全米日系人博物館 全米日系人博物館(団体) 移住 (migration) 軍隊 博物館の展示品 別所南洋 米西戦争(1898) アメリカ海軍

ディスカバー・ニッケイの皆さん、こんにちは!ディスカバー・ニッケイはオンラインで行われるグローバル プロジェクトであることは誰もが知っていますが、実際にはカリフォルニア州ロサンゼルスにある全米日系人博物館 (JANM) を拠点としていることをご存知でしたか?JANM (一般的にはジャナムと発音します) を訪れたことがない方は、南カリフォルニアにお越しの際はぜひお立ち寄りください。また、お近くに住んでいる方は、ボランティア活動を検討してみてください。労力以上の成果が得られるというのは、まさにその通りです!

過去数か月間、私は JANM で「特別任務」を遂行してきました。幸運なことに、この任務には博物館の 80,000 点の常設コレクションへの完全なアクセスが含まれています。私の仕事は、日系アメリカ人の歴史の「壮大な物語」を複雑にするユニークな人物のプロファイルを作成することです。理想的には、この研究は最終的に博物館の将来の公開展示に活用されるでしょう。歴史家であり、古いものや懐かしいものが大好きなので、これはまさに私の得意分野です。

このディスカバー・ニッケイ・シリーズでは、こうした記憶に残るストーリーのいくつかを紹介し、ディスカバー・ニッケイの読者に、JANM が常設コレクションとして所蔵する魅力的な一次資料の「舞台裏」を垣間見てもらいたいと考えています。JANM で日系アメリカ人の歴史の表向きの姿がどのように作られ、記録され、広められているか、ユニークな例をいくつか取り上げます。しかし、おそらくもっと重要なのは、歴史がいかに簡単に失われ、いかに見つけるのが難しいかについても検証しようとすることです。

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