Descubra Nikkei

Growing up Japanese in Hawaii

I think that’s the thing, we were so insulated in Hawaii, and just as a culture, I mean Asians comprise like 2/3rds of the population, so you never felt uncomfortable. In fact I think Hawaii is the only place where the minorities feel superior to the Caucasians. And I mean Superior with a capital S, maybe foolishly because if you measure it in terms of economics, just pure dollars, the Caucasians are probably still wealthier per capita. But in terms of feeling discriminated against, certainly not in Hawaii. And that’s why I always felt that when I met Japanese Americans on the mainland, they were still holding back, they still felt like a minority, whereas people from Hawaii act too brash and too cocky. But that’s the way your attitude is because you grow up in an Asian majority situation, which doesn’t exist anywhere else.

There are people on the mainland who say, oh we’re colorblind. Doesn’t matter what color or race you are, we look at people as being equal. And I go, you know that’s… we’re still way shorter of where it should be. I said you should recognize all colors. You should appreciate all colors. And in Hawaii we all joke about other people’s ethnicity. I mean full on jokes, hardcore jokes, and we all laugh about it. Until you get to the point where you can laugh about your ethnicity, I don’t think you’re there. People just take things too personally. And colorblind is not what you want, it’s color appreciative is what you want. That’s the thing about Hawaii.

Havaí identidade minorias corrida Estados Unidos da América

Data: April 25, 2018

Localização Geográfica: California, US

Entrevistado: John Esaki

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Robert Fujioka nasceu em Honolulu, Havaí, em 1952. Frequentou a Universidade de Michigan obtendo o bacharelado e obteve o MBA pela Universidade do Havaí. Ele atua no setor bancário desde 1974 e atualmente atua como vice-presidente do Conselho de Administração do Museu Nacional Japonês Americano, curador da Clarence T.C. Ching Foundation e da First Hawaiian Bank Foundation. (Novembro de 2018)


His Shin-Issei parents

(n. 1975) Músico, compositor e autor musical


Parents identification as Peruvian Okinawan

Norte-americana Okinawana, cujos pais são peruanos


Okinawan cultural appreciation

Norte-americana Okinawana, cujos pais são peruanos


Prejudice against Okinawans from mainland folks

Norte-americana Okinawana, cujos pais são peruanos


American values she aligns with

Norte-americana Okinawana, cujos pais são peruanos


Working together in Okinawa using three languages

Norte-americana Okinawana, cujos pais são peruanos


Expressing herself through poetry

(n. 1923) Kibei Nisei poet, activist

Matsumoto,Juan Alberto

About Escobar (Spanish)

(n. 1962) Nikkei nipo-argentino de segunda geração


Her definition of Nikkei

(n.1974) Colombiana japonesa que atualmente reside nos Estados Unidos


Cofundador da Associação de Estudantes de Direito das Ilhas do Pacífico Asiático

(n. 1943) advogado transgênero nipo-americano


Compreendendo o racismo anti-negro no ensino médio

(n. 1943) advogado transgênero nipo-americano

McKenna,Sabrina Shizue

Impacto de se assumir em sua família

(n. 1957) Juiz da Suprema Corte do Havaí.