Material contribuído por kikerenzo

Masaki Gaja, the sansei of balance

Enrique Higa Sakuda

The case of graphic designer Masaki Gaja is unusual. He has lived the experience of Japan in two stages: the first, as a child and son of a dekasegi, and the second, as a young dekasegi. It has been, in total, nine years in Japan. The first time, at six …

The dekasegi phenomenon in the life of a young yonsei girl

Enrique Higa Sakuda

In Alexandra Shimabukuro's life, since she was little, dekasegi has been family, livelihood and stories. Now it is also a matter of research. The Sociology student at the Catholic University of Peru is preparing a thesis on the Nikkei women who migrated to Japan in the 1980s and 1990s. “It …

Narumi Ogusuku—Ubiquitous Nikkei Artist

Enrique Higa Sakuda

Roger Arakaki, Chef and Teacher

Enrique Higa Sakuda

Migrants in limbo

Enrique Higa Sakuda

Over the years, it seems to me that a positive narrative about the dekasegi phenomenon has prevailed. At least from Peru. The media predominates in stories of former dekasegi whose experience in Japan (savings, reinforcement of values, character formation, etc.) contributed to cementing their new life in Peru after their …

Pachinko : Korean and Nikkei, some similarities

Enrique Higa Sakuda

I came to the Pachinko series, on Apple TV+, because of the article in a Spanish media that raved about it. Then I found its irresistible trailer and decided to watch it. Pachinko is the story of Sunja, a Korean girl who lives in a fishing village when the Korean …

Memories with history

Enrique Higa Sakuda

The book Los desterrados , which recently appeared in Lima, includes a list of the Japanese and Nikkei expelled from Peru and imprisoned in the Crystal City internment camp, in the United States. The document, prepared by one of the prisoners in 1945, contains the names of almost a thousand …

Nikkei Chronicles #11—Itadakimasu 3! Nikkei Food, Family, and Community

Ramen and its pioneer in Peru, 11 years later

Enrique Higa Sakuda

When Tokio Ramen restaurant opened in 2011, Japanese noodle soup was unknown in Peru. Today, eleven years later, former dekasegi Juan Carlos Tanaka estimates that more than 30 restaurants in Lima offer it. A pioneer in the spread of ramen in the Peruvian capital, the Nikkei chef observes with satisfaction …

Olympic History and Achievements: Nikkei Athletes from the Americas

Enrique Higa Sakuda

In Peru, Nikkei contributions to art and gastronomy are what usually attract the most attention, and for good reason. Just to mention one, Tilsa Tsuchiya, a Nisei, is considered by many the greatest Peruvian artist of all time.

83 memories from La Victoria school

Enrique Higa Sakuda

When the Second World War ended in 1945, the community of Japanese origin in Peru was headless, adrift, weakened by the attacks carried out by the Peruvian authorities, located on the side of the Allies. One of the most painful blows was the closure of the Lima Nikko school, the …

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