Material contribuído por kikerenzo

Nikkei Families in Cuzco

Enrique Higa Sakuda

Kizuna 2020: Nikkei Kindness and Solidarity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Nikkei Plus: the showcase of Nikkei entrepreneurs in Peru

Enrique Higa Sakuda

Football always gives you second chances. You lose one Sunday, but the next you can win. Time is not an asset to squander on regrets, but to prepare yourself with the goal of overcoming the next challenge. This is, roughly speaking, how journalist Roger Gonzales Araki deals with things. Like …

Kizuna 2020: Nikkei Kindness and Solidarity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

“Things should not be the same as before the pandemic because it would mean that I have not learned anything”

Enrique Higa Sakuda

We are already going through the two years of the pandemic and those first weeks of confinement, when people applauded the health workers from their homes for their extraordinary work and naively said that from this disastrous experience we would emerge better people, more united and supportive, They seem like …

Live learning

Enrique Higa Sakuda

He was just a child, but he remembers it as if he were a witness again. From a window on the second floor of his house in Lima, Víctor Makino watched criminals break into businesses and homes of Japanese families to steal their belongings. It was in May 1940, more …

Nikkei memories

Enrique Higa Sakuda

Sueko Noda, a 93-year-old Nisei, remembers that during the looting of Japanese homes and businesses in May 1940, her family was saved from the hordes instigated by the anti-Japanese sentiment of the time thanks to some Peruvian neighbors “such good people who defended us.” ”. Carlos Saito, 80, relates that …

Bicentennial of Peru, 122 years of Nikkei presence

Enrique Higa Sakuda

On July 28, 2021, Peru celebrated 200 years of existence as an independent country. In 1976, the United States celebrated its bicentennial with festivities enhanced by the visit of Queen Elizabeth II, with fireworks and parades. The commemoration in Peru, with around 200 thousand people dead from Covid-19 and a …

Onigiri: from manga and anime to the history of Japanese immigration

Enrique Higa Sakuda

The word onigiri , even to those familiar with Japanese food, is catchy. It has magnet, hook. It was the name that the communicator Gerardo Higa Arakaki chose to baptize an online university venture that spread manga and anime in Peru in the 2000s. That playful bet of youth, Onigiri …

Kizuna 2020: Nikkei Kindness and Solidarity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Pandemic times: teleworking and digital code

Enrique Higa Sakuda

In addition to the pain of losing a loved one, there is also confusion if the death was unexpected and you are not prepared to deal with the situation. What procedures must be followed, who to notify first? The disorientation is accentuated in this situation marked by the coronavirus, plagued …

Kizuna 2020: Nikkei Kindness and Solidarity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Doris Moromisato and her pandemic year: an intense present

Enrique Higa Sakuda

The coronavirus pandemic is a watershed in the history of humanity. When we get older, hopefully, we will remember 2020-21 as the years when our lives changed forever. Although we are not yet free from the pandemic and, therefore, we lack the perspective to fully measure the impact of the …

Kizuna 2020: Nikkei Kindness and Solidarity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

“We should not be left with this feeling of horror because Peru is a great country”

Enrique Higa Sakuda

A year ago, one of the most rigorous quarantines in the world was imposed in Peru to slow the spread of the new coronavirus. It has been a painful and terrible year for a country decimated by the pandemic and morally devastated by a scandal that involved a former president …

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Periodista, coeditor de la revista Kaikan y corresponsal de International Press

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  • histórias familiares
  • culinária japonesa/nikkei

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