Descubra a los Nikkei

First Exposure to Animation

Typically, as Japanese Nisei families in San Francisco, we would dress up on Sundays, even though we were going three, four blocks, you just naturally dressed up. And we would go to our favorite chop suey restaurant on Post Street and have China meshi. Chinese, Cantonese, Japanese style. American-Japanese style chop suey. Then we would go to our neighborhood theater, which was walking distance.

Well, I remember that experience, siting in this theater, and here’s this great big screen in front of me. And in living color, seven little men marched across the screen singing, “Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work we go.” And I thought, “That’s what I want to be!” Not one of the seven little dwarves, but a cartoonist. To draw these things. So, five years old, it hit me. That’s it. That’s what I want to be. So I pursued it, completely pursued it. I collected comic books and little big books [sic: Big Little Book series] that were popular back then.

My dad was also a gadget freak. So we had our own 8mm projector and camera. He would take movies of us. On Saturday nights, he would set up the screen and the projector, and run the latest footage that he took of us. And then he would top it off with an old black and white Mickey Mouse cartoon. It was all black and white, no sounds. I grew up watching animated cartoons, so seeing Snow White, in that fashion, really made an impact.

comunidades ocupaciones (empleo)

Fecha: August 26, 2015

Zona: California, US

Entrevista: John Esaki

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Willie Ito, hijo de padres nisei, nació el 17 de julio de 1934 en San Francisco, California. El ver Blancanieves y los siete enanitos a la edad de cinco años inspiró en él un amor de por vida por la animación. Tras la encarcelación de su familia en Topaz, Utah durante la Segunda Guerra, Willie regresó a California para estudiar una carrera en arte y asistir al Instituto de Arte Chouinard en Los Ángeles (que luego se convirtió en el Instituto de las Artes de California), el preferido de Walt Disney. Bajo la tutela del legendario animador Iwao Takamoto, la pasión de Willie floreció en una larga carrera en el mundo de la animación que tuvo su paso por los años dorados de Disney, Warner Brothers y Hanna- Barbera. Sus créditos en la animación van desde La dama y el vagabundo y ¿Qué es la ópera, viejo? a Los Picapiedras y El show del Oso Yogui.

Willie continúa dibujando hasta el día de hoy, y ha incluido trabajos de ilustraciones en múltiples libros infantiles sobre la experiencia japonesa americana de la Segunda Guerra. También se le puede encontrar esbozando dibujos y saludando a fans en el Comic-con de San Diego. (Septiembre de 2016)


The differences in attitude of pre-war and post war in terms of the President Fujimori presidency (Japanese)

(n. 1948) Gerente general del Museo Amano


President Fujimori as elected by Peru's general public (Japanese)

(n. 1948) Gerente general del Museo Amano


The Nikkei community's view toward Former President Fujimori (Japanese)

(n. 1948) Gerente general del Museo Amano


Views on Japanese Youth (Japanese)

(n. 1943) Embajador de Paraguay en Japón


The Grand Duty left to the Issei (Japanese)

(n. 1943) Embajador de Paraguay en Japón

Onchi,Toshiko Elena

How I became a volunteer at the International Association of Yamato (Spanish)

Peruano japonés en Japón

Onchi,Toshiko Elena

Several ways to participate and integrate into Japanese society (Spanish)

Peruano japonés en Japón

Mineta,Norman Yoshio

How he got into politics

(n. 1931) Ex Secretario de Trasporte

Mineta,Norman Yoshio

Citizen participation

(n. 1931) Ex Secretario de Trasporte

Todd,Kathryn Doi

Opening Up Shop in Little Tokyo

(n. 1942) La primera juez asiático americana

Todd,Kathryn Doi

JABA: On Engaging Students and Community

(n. 1942) La primera juez asiático americana

Todd,Kathryn Doi

On Justice Todd’s Involvement with the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center

(n. 1942) La primera juez asiático americana


Family’s acceptance

(n. 1953) Caricaturista