The challenge for Peruvian children of going to school in Japan (Spanish)
(Spanish) In the case of Peruvian children... As there were not many Peruvian schools, we wanted... we have distance education in line with the education in Japanese schools. Well, usually the children complete chugaku (junior high school), which is basic (primary) education, basic secondary (junior high school), but they also go to high school. What happens is that the change is so drastic; the rules are so drastic that they cannot continue. A lot is that, right? They quit studying. Here the salary is set according to education. It may be that you have the basic secondary school or high school or college... It may be that he who has only basic secondary education has more capacity for work, but (they) pay for the level of study. Therefore, it is very important that they at least finish the upper secondary level (high school).
Fecha: March 24, 2009
Zona: Tokyo, Japan
Entrevista: Alberto Matsumoto
País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum
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