The Experience of an NCI Intern During a World Pandemic
Everyone can agree that 2020 is a year of unprecedented circumstances. With COVID-19 forcing the world to stay at home, the world as we know it changed forever. With the struggle to maintain business, many companies, organizations, and businesses had to shut down their internship programs for the summer. However, …
The JABA Legacy Project: Mia Yamamoto—A Leader Who Defined the Nikkei Community - Part 2
Read Part 1 >>
Kizuna 2020: Nikkei Kindness and Solidarity During the COVID-19 Pandemic
America’s Ugly History of Xenophobia Resurges with COVID-19
If there’s anything that COVID-19 revealed, it is that xenophobia never went away; it was just hidden. With the rise of COVID-19 cases, hate crimes targeting Asians have increased after having decreased in the 21st century.
Nikkei Chronicles #9—More Than a Game: Nikkei Sports
A Connection Beyond Basketball
For many, the Japanese American basketball leagues are a foundational part of their Japanese American childhoods. It’s a way for Japanese Americans from kindergarten to high school to play basketball and be involved in the Japanese American community. In California, these leagues are organized into two areas. The first area …