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This is an audio clip from a cell phone tour by Guide by Cell to accompany the exhibition The Sculpture of Ruth Asawa: Contours in the Air at the Japanese American National Museum from March 10 - May 27, 2007. Ruth Asawa is a well-known and talented artist, specializing in woven wire art pieces. She is one of the most influential women artists of the 20th century.

This introduction was narrated by Sabrina Motley of the Japanese American National Museum in March 2007.

Welcome to The Sculpture of Ruth Asawa: Contours in the Air, originally organized by the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, now on display at the Japanese American National Museum. This exhibition represents the first complete retrospective to showcase Ruth Asawa’s career, as one of America’s most important women artists of the century. Asawa produced works that celebrate the richness and beauty of everyday life through the use of intricate and graceful forms.

eishida — 更新日 3月 30 2011 7:57 p.m.



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