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This picture of San Jose Taiko was taken at the 1st and Central Summer Concerts 2007 event outside of the Japanese American National Museum on July 26, 2007 at 6:30pm. San Jose Taiko was the featured group that night, and they traveled all the way down to Los Angeles to perform for us.

Here, the players really get into the song. It is clear that they feed off of one another's energy, as they look at each other for support and spirit.

San Jose Taiko was founded in 1973, and is under the artistic directorship of Roy and PJ Hirabayashi. SJT mixes the beats of traditional Japanese drumming with African, Balinese, Brazilian, Latin and jazz percussion rhythms as well. The group currently has 15 performing members and three apprentices.

Photographed by Richard Murakami.

eishida — 更新日 3月 30 2011 7:58 p.m.



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