Descubra a los Nikkei

Three important things learned from father

Sure, there’s so much I learned from my father. But if I had to boil it down to 3 things, I think I would say number one, to be a man of your word is really important to my dad. And he impressed me over the years why it’s so important for not just myself, for my brother and sister to be the man and woman of our words. Even though this day you paper a lot of stuff, nothing is perfectly papered or documented and oftentimes you have to rely on someone’s ethics and that’s something he impressed upon us as being very important and it’s benefited me in my career – my being a man of my word.

Number two is he always was a big proponent of being a risk-taker. It’s one thing to be able to predict a market trend or a real estate trend. It’s an entirely different thing to act upon it. And my dad always impressed upon me to be a rather big risk-taker.

Number three that my dad learned a little bit later in life, but I think it’s a great dad is to really spend time with the family. So that’s something that I’ve made a conscious effort at trying to do over my young career is to spend as much time with my family as I can while still keeping my business at its best. So those are the 3 things that I think…I think about most when I think about my dad and his advice to me.


Fecha: June 1, 2006

Zona: Hawai'i, US

Entrevista: Akemi Kikumura Yano

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Bert A. Kobayashi, Jr.,conocido como “B.J.”, tuvo su primera experiencia en el negocio de la construcción como peón en Albert C. Kobayashi Inc., empresa hawaiana que su abuelo fundó y su padre Bert administraba. Tras graduarse en la Universidad de Georgetown en 1993, trabajó en la oficina del senador Daniel Inouye en Washington DC donde el demócrata hawaiano le aconsejó el valor de obtener un título en derecho. Luego de 3 años de estudio de bienes raíces y derecho en Georgetown, B.J. tomó la presidencia de la empresa de su padre, desarrollando el Centro Cívico de Kapolei. Con su hermano, hermana y un socio, formó el Grupo Kobayashi, desarrollando proyectos de condominios y lujosos resort de golf. B.J., además, promueve la sustentabilidad y la protección de los recursos naturales de Hawaii y participa activamente en trabajos comunitarios como en Gift Foundation of Hawai‘i (que cofundó) y Nature Conservancy. (junio de 2007)

Fuente: Basado en el artículo de Pacific Business News.

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