Descubra Nikkei

Tough life at boarding house (Japanese)

(Japanese) There was a boarding house. It was cheap. People like helpers of gardeners were staying there. And when I came home the place was seized by this group of people from this school and they told me to join them in phony gambling. Losers were told to sing, and if they refused, an ash tray would be thrown at them. I didn’t know there was a thing like that, something I experienced at the boarding house in America. I lived in a small room, which was about 1.5 tatami-mat size (about 2.5 square meters). I believe I was paying 100 dollars – maybe it was about 80 dollars, with breakfast and lunch bento included. I was there for about two months, but I couldn’t stand it and left.

agricultura jardineiros jardinagem gerações imigrantes imigração Issei Japão migração pós-guerra Shin-Issei Estados Unidos da América Segunda Guerra Mundial

Data: August 4, 2015

Localização Geográfica: California, US

Entrevistado: Mitsue Watanabe

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Esteve pela primeira vez nos Estados Unidos em 1969. Depois de viver um ano e meio em Los Angeles, passou meio ano percorrendo o mundo e retornou ao Japão, mas a vida no exterior impressionou-o tanto que decidiu voltar aos Estados Unidos, onde entrou com visto de turista. Começou trabalhando como ajudante de jardineiro e 2 anos depois tornou-se independente, conseguiu visto regular e entrou no negócio de comida e bebida. Atualmente, administra o Isakaya e Honda Ya no condado de Orange, estado da Califórnia e em Los Angeles. (Agosto de 2018)


Her mother came to the U.S. with a group of picture brides

(n. 1923) Kibei Nisei poet, activist


Her father bought her mother American clothes after she arrived from Japan

(n. 1923) Kibei Nisei poet, activist