On Justice Todd’s Involvement with the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center
I left the board [of the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center] a few years ago. I just thought now…younger people and a new, you know, sort of new ideas and faces should be involved, but I was on the board for over twenty years, and…I became involved when—well, before I joined the board, I became involved down there because my former husband designed an exhibit—one of the earliest exhibits—which was of Isamu Noguchi lamps. And so we were down there—my daughter was just a little tiny tyke—and we were down there installing the show, and getting involved, and I knew the young man who was the head of the visual arts—Miles Kubo—at the time, and so I got involved down there. And I…I thought…I think, and continue to think, that it was very, very important for the community at large but particularly for my daughter—I wanted her to really have a sense of Japanese culture. And I think Japanese culture is rich and deep and broad, and I’m talking about traditional Japanese culture.
Fecha: July 10, 2012
Zona: California, US
Entrevista: Lawrence Lan
País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum; Japanese American Bar Association
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Graciela Nakachi
Anfitrión invitado:
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