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Tradições Nima-kai do Hinamatsuri


Hinamatsuri dolls - Sannin Kanjo or the Three Court Ladies

Submitted by: Keiko Moriyama, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Photo 1 of 4: Sannin Kanjo or the Three Court Ladies

A few years after my parents’ passing, I came across an old tattered box tucked away in the far corner of their garage. What a delightful surprise when I discovered nine Hinamatsuri dolls carefully wrapped in yellowed newspaper. The dolls were in impeccable shape considering they were over 60 years old. Included with the dolls was a 1957 photo of me posing in front of the Hanamatsuri display my father had built, rekindling a flood of heartfelt memories from my childhood. Today, they are beautifully displayed in a glass cabinet in my living room.

P.S. I, unfortunately, did not find the Emperor and Empress dolls, the two main characters of the Hinamatsuri display.

Based on this original

Hinamatsuri dolls - Sannin Kanjo or the Three Court Ladies
uploaded by editor
This photo was submitted by Keiko Moriyama of Las Vegas, Nevada, for the 2021 Hinamatsuri Photo Activity, presented in collaboration with the Japanese Ame, rican Cultural & Community Center and More »

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