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Tradições Nima-kai do Hinamatsuri


Heirloom O-Hinasan Set from Iris Teragawa

Submitted by: Japanese American Cultural & Community Center (Los Angeles, California, USA)

This amazing Hina-ningyo set was donated to the JACCC by Iris Teragawa. Her father was an early founding Board member of the Center.

When Iris was presented with this heirloom, she annually set it up in her living room and she invited friends and relatives for a Hinamatsuri Luncheon that she prepared. It took quite a bit of work to set up and take down this set; and many of us had never seen such a exquisite display in a private home.

Iris gifted this set so that many more people are able to enjoy viewing this. JACCC has set it up annually for Hinamatsuri.

Based on this original

Heirloom O-Hinasan Set from Iris Teragawa
uploaded by JACCC
This amazing Hina-ningyo set was donated to the JACCC by Iris Teragawa. Her father was an early founding Board member of the Center. When Iris was presented with this heirloom, … More »

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