Learning how to weave
I was taken to the weaving room at CCAC I was captivated by the loom. There and then I said, I've just got to go out and get a loom and do it and so with the last $150 I had I went to this RN Studio and bought a loom. That's how I got started. Of course, this friend who had originally taken me to the weaving room said, "I'll show you how to weave." When we started I realized I needed lessons and so I went to the Berkeley Adult School where they had free classes and got the basics.
Data: November 23, 2018
Localização Geográfica: California, US
Entrevistado: Patricia Wakida
País: A Co-Production of the Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum and KCET
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12 de novembro • 7pm PET | 5pm PDT
Nima em destaque:
Graciela Nakachi
Anfitrião convidado:
Enrique Higa
Idioma: Espanhol
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