From double weaving to microfilament “flat” hangings
Trude taught us how to do double weaving. So I put a small sample on my loom, thinking that I'll just try a little piece and double weave, and by golly, when I took it off the loom, I saw that I had crossed the lairs, and when it came off the loom, I could see that if I chose the right material, it would open out and stay open. And then I tried a piece in nylon monofilament, which lengths were given to me… I put the monofilament on the loom and tried my double weaving, and by golly, when I cut it off the loom, I had a monofilament hanging. So that was the beginning of my whole series… The first ones, I called them ... they were the flat pieces, because if you flattened them, they would be flat. But then I knew in weaving you could go around and around and around, and you could make a tube. So, using that idea, I turned one of those monofilament hangings into a tubular piece, and that kept me going with more ideas about making them a little bit more sculptural.
Data: November 23, 2018
Localização Geográfica: California, US
Entrevistado: Patricia Wakida
País: A Co-Production of the Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum and KCET
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