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Giant Robot, a stepping stone for young artists
Giant Robot co-founder and publisher
Taiko, an element that represents strength (Spanish)
(b. 1974) Director of Ryukyu Matsuri Daiko in Peru
The first print image from film
(1934–2018) Japanese American designer, educator, and pioneer of media technologies
Art helped him to feel less foreign in school
(b. 1938) Japanese Peruvian incarcerated in Crystal City
Painting murals and signs in the army
(b. 1938) Japanese Peruvian incarcerated in Crystal City
Developing Art Skills in Camp
Japanese American animator for Walt Disney and Hanna Barbera (1925-2007)
Differences between Parents
(b. 1938) Japanese American painter & printmaker
“I did what I wanted to do”
(b. 1938) Japanese American painter & printmaker
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