CJAHS Cultural Connections Events


The Chicago Japanese American Historical Society (CJAHS) is proud to be in partnership with the Field Museum's Cultural Connections Program. This partnership provides CJAHS with opportunities every year to pursue its mission of documenting, preserving and sharing the history and legacy of Japanese Americans in Chicago.

CJAHS has worked with many cultural and educational institutions citywide through the Cultural Connections Program. Since its inception in the late 1990s, CJAHS has appreciated many opportunities to share Japanese American culture and tradition with the public. Through a coalition of 23 ethnic museums and cultural institutions, these partnerships form a dynamic venue for everyone to experience and understand the city's rich diversity.

Administered by the Field Museum's Center for Cultural Understanding and Change (CCUC), Cultural Connections events allow participants to become an "urban anthropologist" to "examine artifacts, observe cultural traditions, sample ethnic foods, and participate in lively discussions." This experience is designed to lead participants to appreciate cultural differences and to discover cultural similarities among ethnic communities.

Here is a small collection of images from the Cultural Connection Events.

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community history

intrepidmouse — 更新日 6月 28 2021 1:49 a.m.

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