Celebrating Mochi-Tsuki Mochi Day in Chicago


Various Mochi Day Celebrations around Chicago

Slides in this album 

MBT Mochi Day

Experienced mochi makers form the pounded rice into small mochi balls at the Midwest Buddhist Temple.

Courtesy of the Chicago Shimpo

Mochi Day
提供: intrepidmouse

MBT Mochi Day

Experienced mochi makers form the pounded rice into small mochi balls at the Midwest Buddhist Temple.

Courtesy of the Chicago Shimpo

Mochi Day
提供: intrepidmouse

Midwest Buddhist Temple

While some formed the mochi, others pounded the rice into a doughy substance with large wooden hammers.

Courtesy of the Chicago Shimpo

Mochi Day
提供: intrepidmouse

MBT Mochi Day

While some formed the mochi, these men pounded the rice into a doughy substance with large wooden hammers.

Courtesy of the Chicago Shimpo

Mochi Day
提供: intrepidmouse

Teen group: Senior High School Group

Teens from Presbyterian Youth Group, Eric Tanaka, Rachel Spaulding, Cori Lin, Jose Castillo, Sarah Gamalinda, and Chris Matsumoto have a mochi making session at Church of Christ.

Courtesy of Sandi Kiyomi Yokoyama

Mochi Making Senior High youth Group
提供: intrepidmouse

Album Type

community history

intrepidmouse — 更新日 6月 28 2021 1:49 a.m.

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