Giant Robot Biennale 5—Opening Celebration

  • en

6:00p.m. - 9:00p.m.

Japanese American National Museum
100 N Central Ave
Los Angeles, California, 90012
United States

Free; reservations required


Join the artists of Giant Robot for first access to  Giant Robot Biennale 5 with free admission, engaging art, music, activities, and more that celebrate a staple of Asian American alternative pop culture and an influential brand encompassing pop art, skateboard, comic book, graphic arts, and vinyl toy culture!

JANM Members: RSVP to receive expedited, members-only entry.

Giant Robot Biennale 5 features artists Sean Chao, Felicia Chiao, Luke Chueh, Giorgiko, James Jean, Taylor Lee, Rain Szeto, and Yoskay Yamamoto, among others. Since 2007, JANM has partnered with Eric Nakamura, founder of Giant Robot, to produce the  Giant Robot Biennale, a recurring art exhibition that highlights diverse creative works celebrating the brand’s ethos.


JANM . 更新日 2024年2月6日




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12月9日 Threads of Hybridity

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12月7日 Two Day Workshop: Practical Cloth Making
12月7日 After The Storm - Film
12月14日 JANM Members Only: Coffee and Community
12月14日 "One Puka Puka Christmas"



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