Student Speaker Contest
2012年2月9 |
Akiyama Wellness Center
110 Jackson Ave
San Jose, California, 95112
United States
Each year, since 1938, the Lions Clubs of California have held a Student Speaker Contest, sponsored by the Student Speakers Foundation and it is open to all students in California in grades 9-12 including charter school, private school and home-schooled students.
Yu-Ai Kai’s own Executive Director Sophie Horiuchi-Forrester is a past winner of this contest!
This year a total of $103,500 in scholarships will be awarded to contest winners throughout California. Scholarship awards will be made to the winner and finalists at each of the 6 levels of the contest, and the winner of the Final contest will receive a $10,000 scholarship in addition to the awards received from the levels leading up to the Final contest.
This year, your Japantown Lions Club is happy to sponsor the local contest which will be held at the Akiyama Wellness Center on the evening of February 9th, 2012.
For information about entry deadlines and rules, please contact Japantown Lions Club President Doug Ray at
JAMsj . 更新日 2012年1月9日