"Second Moon" a film by Masahiro Sugano
2010年3月4 | ||
6:00p.m. |
Depaul University
John T. Richardson Library Room 400 2350 N. Kenmore Ave.
Chicago, Illinois
United States
Asian American Studies is hosting a screening
"Second Moon" a film by Masahiro Sugano
Masahiro will be present.
Second Moon is a Neo-Yakuza Romantic Farce
Q is an agent of an underground organization called "Art of Love." Art of Love generates revenue by helping suburban housewives cheat on their husbands under the guise of free love. One day, Q runs into M, a transient Korean girl. M develops a fever, and Q shelters her for a week. Q senses a peculiar compassion developing for M. Don Jim, the leader of Art of Love, strictly forbids his agents from involvement in monogamous intimate relationships. Q decides to severe his relationship with M. But after M recovers, she starts cooking gourmet dishes. The seductive force of her food cripples Q's aspiration for freedom and jeopardizes his loyalty to Don Jim. Q has to choose between free love and one love--lightness and heaviness--in his quest for ultimate happiness.
intrepidmouse . 更新日 2010年7月9日