Stubborn Twig book signing with Lauren Kessler, Portland, Oregon
2006年3月5 | ||
1:30p.m. |
Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center
Portland, Oregon
United States
Stubborn Twig: Three Generations in the Life of a Japanese American Family (New Edition)
by Lauren Kessler
Stubborn Twig is a classic American tale, about immigrants making their way in a new land. Masuo Yasui arrived in America in 1903 with big dreams. He worked on the railroads, in a cannery, and as a houseboy before settling in Hood River, Oregon. He opened a store, raised a family, and became one of the area’s most successful orchardists.
Lauren Kessler is the author of ten books, including her newest, Clever Girl: Elizabeth Bentley, the Spy Who Ushered in the McCarthy Era. Kessler directs the graduate program in literary nonfiction at the University of Oregon in Eugene.
Presentation & Book Signing
Sunday, March 5, 1:30 p.m.
at the Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center
121 NW 2nd Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97209
$3.00 donation; free to members
Co-sponsor: Oregon Historical Society
Oregon_Nikkei . 更新日 2010年7月9日