Exhibition: "Shashin: Japanese Canadian Studio Photography to 1942"
2005年1月25 | — | 2005年4月17 |
Royal British Columbia Museum
Nova Scotia
From January 25-April 17, 2005, the Royal British Columbia Museum in Victoria hosts an exhibition of 80 images by Japanese Canadian studio photographers from the West Coast of British Columbia. Titled "Shashin: Japanese Canadian Studio Photography to 1942", the exhibition provides a compelling visual record of individuals and groups within the multi-cultural place that was British Columbia during its formative moment.
"Shashin" was curated by Grace Eiko Thomson for the Japanese Canadian National Museum. The exhibition is a result of a collaborative project between the Japanese Canadian National Museum and the SSHRC-Community University Research Alliance Program in the Department of History in Art at the University of Victoria.
See the exhibition announcement for further details.
jbower . 更新日 2010年7月9日