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This is a picture of the Nikkei Sampler at the Wakatay Restaurant-Peruvian Nikkei Cuisine. It was brought to our table as a complimentary appetizer. The left one is called Ceviche Nikkei, and was fish in citrus juice, topped with a hot sauce. The middle one is Causa Nikkei. It is a sweet potato topped with pureed tuna, avacado sauce, seaweed and tomato garnish. The right one is Pulpo al Olivo. It is octopus covered in an olive sauce. The appetizers tasted great, and they looked great too!

On Saturday, August 11, 2007, I went to Wakatay Restaurant-Peruvian Nikkei Cuisine with my co-workers from the Japanese American National Museum. The fusion of the foods and flavors made for some very unique and delicious entrees. Wakatay Restaurant is located at the Pacific Square, 1630 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. Gardena, CA, 90247.

Photo by Vicky Murakami-Tsuda

eishida — Última actualización Mar 30 2011 7:57 p.m.

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