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The First Japanese American on the U.S. Court of Appeals

I know there had been on the Ninth Circuit- where I am now- there had been 2 Asians- a Chinese American named Tom Tang and a Korean American named Herbert Choi. They were both very good judges, but it was a… I don’t know if I… I guess you know I thought about the fact that I was the first Japanese American on the Court of Appeals. In fact, I think I’m still the only one. I’m not sure. I think so.

But, I don’t know if that played a big as a part in my thinking as just the fact that I had been a District Judge for 15 years. I felt that I was ready to be a Circuit Judge, and I wanted to do something different.

President Clinton, like President Carter and to an extent the Bushes between them, I think he made something of an affirmative effort to diversify the Court of Appeals. And so I think that was part of the impetus that got me the appointment.

Although I’m not sure if that’s the primary reason or not, but I’m sure that it was a part. So it’s important that that was a factor, and I think generally, I think it’s important for the court, including the appellate court, to reflect the society that it judges.

diversidade Herbert Choi Nipo-americanos juízes Tribunal de Apelações dos Estados Unidos Tribunal de Apelações dos Estados Unidos para o Nono Circuito

Data: July 2, 2014

Localização Geográfica: California, US

Entrevistado: Sakura Kato

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum; Japanese American Bar Association


Nascido em Santa Maria, Califórnia, o juiz Atsushi Wallace Tashima foi o primeiro nipo-americano e terceiro asiático-americano na história a servir em um Tribunal de Apelações dos Estados Unidos. Ele nasceu de imigrantes isseis e passou três anos de sua infância no Poston War Relocation Center [campo de concentração de Poston], em Poston, Arizona. Quando Tashima entrou em seu primeiro ano na Harvard Law School em 1958, ele era um dos quatro únicos estudantes asiáticos-americanos em Harvard. No entanto, Tashima passou a conduzir 34 anos de carreira como juiz federal. Em 1980, Tashima foi nomeado para o Tribunal Distrital dos EUA pelo Distrito Central da Califórnia pelo presidente Carter. Depois de servir 15 anos no Tribunal Distrital dos EUA, o presidente Clinton promoveu Tashima ao Tribunal de Apelações dos EUA no Nono Circuito, que abrange os nove estados do oeste da Costa Oeste. Em 2004, Tashima assumiu o status sênior e atualmente está no Nono Circuito do Tribunal de Pasadena, em Pasadena, CA. (Agosto de 2014)

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