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Black and white silent amateur films by Dave Tatsuno (1913-2006), a businessman in the San Francisco Bay area. Tatsuno's films, before 1942 and the forced exclusion of World War II, generally show family outings, sporting events, holidays, celebrations, and the family business.

This segment (probably Christmas 1938) shows Tatsuno's brother Masateru ("Tut"), in a bathrobe, opening a portable typewriter; Tatsuno's wife Alice holds their white dog while an unidentified man pets him; the dog jumps onto the bed of Tatsuno's father Shojiro; Alice teases the dog with a Christmas stocking (00:46).

Credits: Dave Tatsuno Collection, Gift of Dave Tatsuno, in Memory of Walter Honderick, Japanese American National Museum (91.74). Preserved and made accessible in part by a grant from the National Film Preservation Foundation.

HNRC — Última actualización Ago 25 2012 1:20 p.m.

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