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Nikkei Names: Writing Workshop in Los Angeles


Chiyo Niimi

When I was born in 1937 I was considered a “blue baby” and my feared that I would no survive. This is why my father named me Chiyo:1000 years, eternal. He told me later that he gave me the name so that I have a long life.

I grew up not appreciating my name until adulthood.

As I grew older I faced many challenges and realized the significance of my name, Chiyo. Not only did I learn to appreciate my name bu learn to appreciate my father.

Based on this original

Chiyo Niimi
uploaded by editor
Photo taken and name story provided on June 28, 2014 at the National Center for the Preservation of Democracy as a part of Discover Nikkei’s workshop warm-up excercise in conjunction with the More »

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Proyecto Japanese American National Museum

The Nippon Foundation