Descubra a los Nikkei

About her father

Oh my father was a typical Issei I would say. Number 1: he was super strict. And yet - that’s only one facet of his personality. But he did care for us, he was a very hard worker and I would say to the end of his life, he was super ethical. And so he had strength of character and he had a very good sense of humor. I used to go, I mean, he was in…was it Taul Building on First and San Pedro? Well, he had an office on a corner on the third floor and a lot of times I would ask him if he wanted me to clean his office, so I would go and clean his office and then children would come and he would be laughing and gushing over them and all this and that and he was really friendly, etc. and he would give them something later on and I would come home and say, “gee momma, how come papa is so nice to kids and he’s always telling us that hmph!” You know, and his favorite word to me was “baka!

familias generaciones inmigrantes inmigración issei Japón migración

Fecha: February 3, 2010

Zona: California, US

Entrevista: Eiko Masuyama, Carole Fujita, Yoko Nishimura

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Margaret Kuroiwa es la tercera hija del Dr. Daishiro Kuroiwa de la prefectura de Saga, Japón y Agnes Haruyo Ogawa Kuroiwa. Su padre fue un prominente físico Issei que trabajó en el hospital Japonés Turner Street Southern California y fue uno de los 5 médicos junto al Dr. Tashiro, que demandaron al Estado de California. Su consultorio se encuentra en Boyle Heights y Taul Building en Little Tokio. También atiende pacientes con tuberculosis en Monrovia Sanitarium. Ella y sus 4 hermanas nacieron el nuevo Hospital Japonés en la esquina de las calles First y Fickett. (11 de abril de 2010)


My daughter couldn’t fit in Japan, so I decided to go back to America (Japanese)

(n. 1936) Un “shin-issei” de profesión soldador


Su hermana Kiyo fue como una segunda madre para él.

(n. 1942) Japonés peruano encarcelado en Crystal City


Conociendo a tu esposa

Profesor de doctorado en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de São Paulo, abogado, traductor (nacido en 1948)

Sakata,Reiko T.

matrimonio de los padres

(n. 1939), una mujer de negocios cuya familia se mudó voluntariamente a Salt Lake City en Utah durante la guerra.