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Reaction to a 1942 speech by Mike Masaoka, Japanese American Citizen League's National Secretary
(1915 - 2011) Nisei florist who resettled in New York City after WW II. Active in Japanese American civil rights movement

Deciding whether to answer "yes-yes" on the loyalty questionnaire in order to leave camp
(b. 1925) Draft resister

First learning about the incarceration experience in college
(b. 1955) Lawyer

Feeling angry upon reading of Supreme Court case, 'Korematsu v. United States'
(b. 1955) Lawyer

Reasons for conformity and competitiveness in Gardena, California
(b. 1946) Lawyer

Role of the redress movement in helping Nisei to open up about their wartime experiences
(b. 1946) Lawyer

Not recognizing father after reunion at Crystal City, Texas
(1937 - 2021) Teacher

A child's memories of activities at Crystal City, Texas
(1937 - 2021) Teacher

Japanese American railroad workers are fired following the bombing of Pearl Harbor
(b. 1923) Chick sexer

A racist encounter at a movie theater following the bombing of Pearl Harbor
(b. 1923) Chick sexer

Losing job with railroad because of being Japanese American
(b. 1923) Chick sexer

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