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Anti-Japanese sentiment at the time of World War II
(b. 1918) Issei businessman in Canada
Lack of political power led to camps
(1924-2018) Researcher, Activist
The Perspective of Youth
(1923–2006) Community activist. Co-founded the Manzanar Committee
Institutionalization as a bad aspect of camp
(1924-2018) Researcher, Activist
Different tension between East Coast and Los Angeles
Japanese American Creative designer living in Japan
His experiences in Chicago after WWII
(b.1929) Pioneer medical researcher in tissue transfer and organ transplantation.
Less information about Hawai‘i in mainland
(b.1944) Founder of Kobayashi Group, LLC
Peru Shimpo for the Nikkei community (Spanish)
(b. 1937) Professional journalist
A teenager's memories of how a local newspaper misrepresented Japanese Americans
(b. 1925) Draft resister
Reaction of Japanese American community toward draft resistance stance
(b. 1925) Draft resister
The role of the media in influencing people's opinions
(b. 1925) Draft resister
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