Material contribuído por albertomatsumoto

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

Considering Mexico's Immigration Issues in Mexico —Visiting the University of Guadalajara in October 2014—

Alberto J. Matsumoto

Mexico is the second most popular destination for students and working adults interested in Spanish-speaking countries for study abroad or training, after Spain. It is well known for its cheerful and bright national character, richly flavored cuisine, and tequila (a distilled liquor with an alcohol content of 45 to 50%), …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

Employment of Japanese university graduates and second generation foreigners

Alberto J. Matsumoto

Japan's education system is highly regarded around the world, and in the 2012 OECD learning achievement survey of 15-year-olds, Japan ranked 8th in mathematical literacy, 3rd in reading comprehension, and 3rd in scientific literacy.1 The standard of secondary education up to high school is also very high, with 98% of …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

Differences and Similarities between Peruvians and Brazilians Living in Japan

Alberto J. Matsumoto

It has been a quarter century since Japanese migrant workers from South America arrived in Japan, but to Japan, the host country, these migrant workers are from "South America," and there has been little awareness of the differences in their countries of origin or their reactions to support measures. The …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

Will foreign workers' wages rise?

Alberto J. Matsumoto

Since the Abe administration came to power, there has been much talk about wage increases aimed at expanding domestic demand. This trend is being seen in some large companies and the restaurant industry, where the latter, which are facing a labor shortage, are turning employees who were employed on part-time …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei


Alberto J. Matsumoto


The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei


Alberto J. Matsumoto


The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

日本のグローバル人材 パート2

Alberto J. Matsumoto

「南米の日系人はグローバル人材か?」 前回のパート11では、「グローバル人材」とは、「(1)語学力・コミュニケーション能力、(2)主体性・積極性、チャレンジ精神、協調性・柔軟性、責任感・使命感、(3)異文化に対する理解と日本人としてのアイデンティティー」だと定義した。しかし企業は、「海外の事業所で自立的・自主的に発言・行動できる」「多様な考えを持つ人と協調して仕事を進められる」という条件を重視している。

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

南米の格差と治安、そして日系人たち ~その2

Alberto J. Matsumoto

その1を読む >> 南米諸国で、格差のほかに懸念材料となっているのが治安である。これは、ほとんどの国で悪化しており、経済成長とは裏腹に社会の安全が脅かされている。

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

南米の格差と治安、そして日系人たち ~その1

Alberto J. Matsumoto


The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei


Alberto J. Matsumoto


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Es argentino nissei (nac.1962) y desde 1990 reside en Japón. Después de terminar su Maestría en Leyes se dedica a la traducción jurídica y al asesoramiento de los latinos nikkei de América Latina que viven en Japón. Enseña en la Univ. de Kanagawa.


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