Material contribuído por albertomatsumoto

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

The momentum of international students from Asia is helping Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises expand overseas

Alberto J. Matsumoto

Last September, I received a request from the Kanagawa International Foundation to participate as a lecturer in a seminar for Asian international students, even though I had been training Japanese-descended students from South America. I was surprised, but I was also curious to know more about Asian international students, so …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

Japanese Language Education in Japanese Communities in South America

Alberto J. Matsumoto

In my previous column , I pointed out that there are 4 million people studying Japanese in the world, but how many students are there in the Japanese community overseas? According to a 2012 report by the Japan Foundation, there are 443 Japanese language education institutions in South America with …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

Japanese Language Education Abroad

Alberto J. Matsumoto

In recent years, the popularity of Japanese anime, manga and Japanese cuisine has led to an increase in the number of people studying Japanese overseas, which has in turn led to an increase in the number of foreigners coming to Japan.

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

The pension situation in South America and pension issues for South American workers in Japan

Alberto J. Matsumoto

In recent years, consultations for foreigners at consultation desks have been increasing regarding pensions, nursing care, and retirement. As of December 2015, there are 230,000 foreigners from South America residing in Japan, including 170,000 Brazilians, 47,000 Peruvians, 5,400 Bolivians, and 2,600 Argentines. By age, those aged 60 or older make …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

Latin America's low savings rate: is Japan's also quite low? -What is the savings rate of Japanese South American worker households in Japan?-

Alberto J. Matsumoto

Since around 2000, Latin American countries have been attracting attention for their high economic growth rates, and the consumer market of the new middle class has become the focus of global attention. International prices of primary products such as oil, mineral resources, and grains have soared, and many countries (Brazil, …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

The connection between the next generation of Japanese descendants and Japan: Changes in Japanese societies in Latin America

Alberto J. Matsumoto

What kind of Nikkei are the "next generation of Nikkei1 "? Are they simply the descendants of Japanese who emigrated to Latin America - third, fourth, fifth generation, etc. (including not only Japanese, but also people of other races and ethnicities such as half and quota2 )? Or are they …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

Is the principle of equal pay for equal work difficult to apply to foreign workers?

Alberto J. Matsumoto

At the end of January this year, the government announced its intention to take steps to realize equal pay for equal work as part of the "Japan Plan for a Society of 100 Million Active Parties." The government's intention is to correct the wage disparity that exists between regular and …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

The economic relationship between Latin America and Japan that Japanese people don't know about

Alberto J. Matsumoto

Latin America is home to the world's largest Japanese community, numbering 1.65 million. Meanwhile, in Japan, a Japanese community of 240,000 South American people is forming as Japanese workers who immigrated there since the 1990s have settled there. Japanese people are Japanese immigrants before and after the war and their …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

Japanese descendants in Japan and South America: The challenges of managing organizations for young people and the new generation

Alberto J. Matsumoto

Whenever I visit South American countries, I am always looked after by various Japanese organizations and exchange opinions with the executives involved in their operations. In countries that are thriving from economic growth, the Japanese community also appears to be doing quite well. On the other hand, here in Japan, …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

Poverty Rate in Japan and Permanent Foreign Residents

Alberto J. Matsumoto

Recently, several Japanese print media outlets and blogs have featured articles on the poverty problem in Japan.1 According to analyses by experts and data compiled by aid organizations and research groups, the relative poverty rate in Japan, in other words, the proportion of people living below half the median per …

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Es argentino nissei (nac.1962) y desde 1990 reside en Japón. Después de terminar su Maestría en Leyes se dedica a la traducción jurídica y al asesoramiento de los latinos nikkei de América Latina que viven en Japón. Enseña en la Univ. de Kanagawa.


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