Material contribuído por albertomatsumoto

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

What is Japan's Global Talent? Part 1

Alberto J. Matsumoto

There may be no other country that uses the term "global human resources" as much as Japan. When I came to Japan 23 years ago, perhaps due to the influence of the bubble economy, the term "international human resources" was used instead, but now many educational institutions and corporate organizations …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

Chinese-Japanese Filipinos in Japan: Commonalities and differences with Japanese people in South America

Alberto J. Matsumoto

Looking at the national character and national traits of the Philippines, there are some similarities to South American countries. Peruvians and Argentinians living in Japan say they feel a sense of affinity with them. Latinos and Filipinos sometimes meet at work in factories or bento boxes, but they can also …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

What is "migration" from Europe to Latin America?

Alberto J. Matsumoto

In the Americas, nation-building was undertaken by accepting tens of millions of immigrants from the 19th century to the early 20th century. However, the Latin American economy slumped in the 1960s and 1970s, and the resulting inflation, terrorist activities, and the emergence of military regimes forced many people to relocate …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

Examining crime data on foreigners coming to Japan - Examining the past 20 years and considering the situation of Japanese South Americans in Japan -

Alberto J. Matsumoto

Following the revision of immigration laws in 1990, many Japanese people from South American countries came to Japan for temporary work (in fact, they had been coming since the mid-1980s, and while the first generation Japanese were naturally not recorded as foreigners, the second generation came to Japan as family …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

"Soft Power of Japanese Descendants in South America" ​​- Soft power in their own countries and building a bridge with Japan -

Alberto J. Matsumoto

"Soft power" is a concept proposed by Professor Joseph Nye of Harvard University in the United States in 2004.1 It is the power of a nation to win the understanding, sympathy and support of others through its culture, values ​​and foreign policies, rather than relying solely on hard power such …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

Discussing the outlook for Japanese communities in Latin America in Paraguay

Alberto J. Matsumoto

Paraguay is located in the central part of South America, and the T-shirts sold at Asuncion International Airport say "CORAZON DE AMERICA (Heart of America)". It is a landlocked country, caught between the big powers of Brazil and Argentina, and has survived after overcoming various challenges since independence. Until about …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

Actively Utilizing Diversity: What I Learned from Participating in the European Conference of Multicultural Cities

Alberto J. Matsumoto

At the end of September 2012, I was invited by the Council of Europe to attend a conference on the Intercultural Cities Programme held in San Sebastián, Spain (in the Basque Country in the northeast) .1 From Japan, local government officials and Professor Keizo Yamawaki of Meiji University's Department of …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

What is Japanese-Argentinian Japan like? Can they escape the dekasegi working conditions with other Japanese-Argentinians? Part 2

Alberto J. Matsumoto

Part 1>> At the end of 2010, the Zenrosai Kyokai published a research report entitled "How can Japanese-Brazilian Workers Escaping Non-Regular Employment? A Study on the Conditions and Consequences," which provides a fairly detailed analysis of Japanese-Brazilian dekasegi workers in Argentina.1 This survey involved interviewing over 300 people both in …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

What is Japanese-Argentinian Japan like? Can they escape the dekasegi working conditions with other Japanese-Argentinians? Part 1

Alberto J. Matsumoto

In Japan, when people think of Japanese South American dekasegi workers, they usually think of Japanese from Brazil and Peru, but at the same time and under similar circumstances, people from Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Colombia and other countries also came to Japan.[inline:Photo1 LomaVerde.jpg]As for Argentina, around 1983, when the military …

The Nikkei of Latin America and Latino Nikkei

"Japanese immigrants who work as dekasegi workers: prospects for the future" - Participating in a panel discussion at the Lifestyle Counselor Seminar

Alberto J. Matsumoto

This year again, the Association of Japanese Abroad, a public interest incorporated foundation, held the Lifestyle Counselor Seminar for Japanese People of Japanese descent in Japan in February1 , and employees and staff working in consultation services for foreigners at government agencies, NPOs and other organizations from across the country …

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Es argentino nissei (nac.1962) y desde 1990 reside en Japón. Después de terminar su Maestría en Leyes se dedica a la traducción jurídica y al asesoramiento de los latinos nikkei de América Latina que viven en Japón. Enseña en la Univ. de Kanagawa.


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