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This photo was submitted by Casey Welch of Covington, KY, for the 2021 Hinamatsuri Photo Activity, presented in collaboration with the Japanese Ame, rican Cultural & Community Center and Japanese American National Museum.


My grandmother, Kiyoka, brought these dolls with her from Nagoya, Japan, when she emigrated to the US in the 1950s. Unfortunately, the platform and a few of the dolls were damaged in storage; but—luckily—we still have most of the collection in good condition. The dolls are one of my favorite things of my grandmothers. Sadly, she passed away last spring. Now they serve as a wonderful reminder of her, and of her culture, which I am so fortunate she was able to share with me.

Photo taken by Peggy Welch

editor — Atualizado em Mar 11 2021 11:54 p.m.

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