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Photo of a graduation ceremony facing the stage. Left and right side of photo are backview of graduates in their cap and gowns. On the stage is a podium with a gentleman standing behind it. Also on stage are people seated and more graduate students in cap and gowns standing behind them. One of the persons seated is a Buddhist minister wearing a minister's robe.

copy negative

Newell, Calif., c. 1942


Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata

Jack Iwata Collection

To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online

Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

eishida — Atualizado em Mar 30 2011 7:58 p.m.

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