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Gokurosama: Contemporary Photographs of the Nisei in Hawai'i


Masaji Kobayashi

"I met Mr. Kobayashi just by chance. While slowly driving through the unpaved roads next to the Waialua Sugar Mill, I noticed him sitting shirt-less on the front porch of his tiny plantation home. We talked story for a while, and when I asked him if I could photograph him he said it was ok. Just like that. No fuss, no questions. Wow, I thought, this guy must have confidence in his looks! The image I did that day right at the railing of his front porch turned out to be the most iconic of any I had made of the Nisei. Masaji was right, he looks good."

Based on this original

Masaji Kobayashi
uploaded by editor
Photograph by Brian Sato. Included in the exhibition and accompanying catalogue, Gokurōsama: Contemporary Photographs of the Nisei in Hawai‘i which opened at the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i and is … More »

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