Sashimi potluck June 27th, 2008


On June 27th, 2008, staff and volunteers of the Japanese American National Museum gathered together to enjoy a potluck featuring sashimi caught by volunteer June Berk's husband, Marty. A few times during the summer Marty Berk wakes up very early and goes fishing in San Diego. In the past, Marty has caught tuna, albacore, and yellowtail. Afterwards, Marty Berk and a crew of volunteers quickly clean, prepare, and transport the fish to several community Los Angeles organizations- Japanese American National Museum, Koreisha, and Nishi Hongwanji.

Sashimi potluck is about "food and also about bringing together the museum family," said Vicky Murakami-Tsuda, museum web manager. "It is an opportunity to stop and take a break from what we are doing and get to know each other."

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chowaa — Atualizado em Jun 28 2021 1:49 a.m.

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