Food, Identity, and Culture in Los Angeles

  • en

Mai 201918
1:30p.m. - 3:30p.m.

Japanese American National Museum
100 N. Central Ave.
Los Angeles, California, 90012
United States


How much can we learn about people different from ourselves from interactions in their restaurants, bakeries, and markets? Are we changed by the experiences we have when dining out? Does Los Angeles have its own distinctive food culture, and if so how is it changing?

This program will explore how diverse cultures in Los Angeles have shaped its food and informed the city’s culinary landscape. Panelists will discuss connections between the things and places we eat and the way we interact with the diverse peoples who help shape our city.

Panelists include Gustavo Arellano, features writer for the Los Angeles Times and author of Taco USA: How Mexican Food Conquered America; cookbook author and cooking instructor Sonoko Sakai; and Guy Gabriele, a restauranteur in the LA area since the 1970s. Richard Foss from the Culinary Historians of Southern California will moderate this lively discussion.

This program is free, but RSVPs are recommended here.

In partnership with the Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles.


JANM . Atualizado em Abr 30, 2019 7:44 p.m.


Maio 2019


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