Material contribuído por TTPM

Nikkei Chronicles #13—Nikkei Names 2: Grace, Graça, Graciela, Megumi?

Should Your Name Become Your Identity?

Tuney-Tosheia P. McDaniels

Years before I was born, my mother knew a man—a Black American man—who was serving in the US military. According to my mother’s story, this military serviceman was married to a Japanese woman. My mother met his wife; she was a Japanese-American woman named M(r)s. Toshiya. My mother never mentioned …

Ancestry and Toxicity: Breaking Free From Old Patterns and Toxic Relationships

Tuney-Tosheia P. McDaniels

When “unconditional loyalty” goes wrong...

How Going Backward Helped Me Move Forward

Tuney-Tosheia P. McDaniels

After being born and raised in the Black American community, years ago I had the opportunity to confirm my genetics through testing. I found out that I had Bukharan-Jewish and Japanese ancestry.

Radiation and Rejection: Stigmatized in Japan and America

Tuney-Tosheia P. McDaniels


Kizuna 2020: Nikkei Kindness and Solidarity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

How UNICEF Information Helps Us Observe Nikkei Children Living Through a Pandemic and Economic Crisis

Tuney-Tosheia P. McDaniels

While I was observing and communicating with Japanese UNICEF Advocates on the street, some questions came to my mind:

Nikkei and Praying for Good Fortune and Success: How an Ancient Story Teaches resilience for Economic Uncertainty and Opportunity

Tuney-Tosheia P. McDaniels

As is customary in Japan and throughout the Japanese diaspora, many Nikkei Entrepreneurs pray for good fortune in business, success in life, and divine protection. From an Economic Anthropological perspective, praying allows entrepreneurs and business professionals to strengthen themselves from the worries surrounding economic instability, and even tune out the …

Kizuna 2020: Nikkei Kindness and Solidarity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

A Different Perspective: A Nikkeijin's Questions on Humanity's Responses to Economic Uncertainty

Tuney-Tosheia P. McDaniels

Is ignorance really bliss? What does it mean when people say, “I can’t wait for things to go back to normal”? What is defined as “normal”? Is “going back to normal” achievable after over 2.6 million deaths worldwide due to the Coronavirus—with over 530,000 Coronavirus-related deaths in the US alone? …

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Tuney-Tosheia McDaniels is an English Instructor and Typologist observing animated characters through the lens of Jungian Psychology combined with Chemistry. Some chemicals like sugar can affect different types of delusional tendencies in real life. These types of delusional tendencies are often depicted in animation.

Interesses sobre os nikkeis

  • histórias comunitárias
  • histórias familiares
  • bairros japoneses

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Projeto do Japanese American National Museum

The Nippon Foundation