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This is a photo I took in my parents’ garage on March 3, 2007. Their garage is carefully crammed full of LOTS of miscellaneous stuff. Most of it is very neatly organized into labeled boxes and containers.

Along the wall on one side is the tool area. There’s a lot of really old and rusty tools that I think may have belonged to my grandfather. Or, maybe it’s just what was collected along the years by my Uncle Paul who used to live with us, or my dad. In any case, there’s a lot of stuff there.

Near the window are two wooden shelves on which sit glass jars in assorted sizes and shapes. They’re covered with dust and cobwebs and hold various screws, washers, and other metal things sorted by type.

Next to the jars are some plastic tofu containers. I’ve seen these used throughout my life for various uses that didn’t include tofu. They are handy containers that can be used for many different applications in the kitchen, garage, gardening, with arts & crafts, and many other ways and places.

I wrote an article for Discover Nikkei that talks about my parents’ knack/tendency for finding new uses for things: A Yonsei’s Reflections…on Unearthing My Family’s Values

vkm — Atualizado em Abr 28 2015 7:01 p.m.

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