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My Oshogatsu 2007


toshikoshi soba

Soba noodles in broth. My Auntie made it this year with kamaboko and cucumber.

My Auntie remembered that I'm not a fan of kamaboko, so my bowl is the one in the picture without the pink and white fish cakes.

I'm not sure why, but my family always eat ours right after the midnight clinking of glasses and hugs. We eat the noodles as we call our distant relatives to wish them a 'Happy New Year!'

I just recently found out that you're actually supposed to eat it just as midnight comes to extend into the new year. Oh well, I guess it's our own tradition.


Based on this original

Oshogatsu foods - toshikoshi soba
uploaded by vkm
Toshikoshi soba is traditionally eaten for New Year's celebrations. The long noodles are wishes for long life. Traditionally, you're supposed to be eating it as the New Year arrives. I'm … More »

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