Descubra Nikkei

Japanese American National Museum

Estabelecido em 1985, o Museu Nacional Japonês Americano (Japanese American National Museum, JANM) promove a compreensão e a apreciação da diversidade étnica e cultural dos Estados Unidos ao compartilhar as experiências dos nipo-americanos. Situado no bairro histórico de Little Tokyo, no centro de Los Angeles, o JANM dá voz aos nipo-americanos e serve como um fórum aberto para que todos possam explorar o seu próprio patrimônio e cultura. Desde a sua abertura ao público em 1992, o JANM realizou mais de 70 exposições nas suas instalações e enviou 17 exposições para importantes museus culturais nos Estados Unidos, Japão e América do Sul. Para maiores informações, visite o site ou siga @jamuseum nas redes sociais.

Atualizado em março de 2023

Stories from This Author

Revista do Museu Nacional Nipo-Americano
Every Branch Has a Personality of Its Own – A Profile of Chiye Tomihiro

21 de Abril de 2014 • Japanese American National Museum

Chiye Tomihiro is used to being interviewed. She testified before the Commission of Citizens (CWRIC) in 1981, her memories are in several oral history collections, and she has appeared on TV and in magazine stories. Her grace reflects both her experience and her nature. Poised and at ease, she offers cold drinks to visitors in her lakefront Chicago apartment. She wastes no time. “I was born in Portland, Oregon, in 1924. The first thing that I mention to people from …

Revista do Museu Nacional Nipo-Americano
I DON’T COMPLAIN – A Profile of Art Morimitsu

14 de Abril de 2014 • Japanese American National Museum

The story of Chicagoan Art Morimitsu’s life is the story of a community—the story of Japanese American immigrants whose sons and daughters triumphed over hardships and discrimination to make their way as exemplary Americans. At age 86, Morimitsu knew that his life’s story was the stuff of legend. In a June, 1998 interview his mischievous grin and twinkling eyes indicate the pleasure that it gives him to recall the events of his long life of hard work and service. Morimitsu’s …

Nurturing a Family Business: The Yamaguchi Bonsai Nursery

29 de Agosto de 2007 • Japanese American National Museum

It is mid-March in California’s Central Valley, and Richard Yamaguchi is very busy. One thousand black pine trees need to be trimmed and shaped; several must be carefully dug out and moved for landscapers in need of this familiar and iconic variety of Japanese conifer. Only two weeks remain before the trees come out of their seasonal dormancy, after which they cannot be trimmed or moved until next November, when all the remaining trees—some of which have taken 50 years …

Revista do Museu Nacional Nipo-Americano
Strength in Beauty: Ruth Asawa

24 de Maio de 2007 • Japanese American National Museum

"I can see glimpses of my childhood in my work. The seemingly endless patterns we made in the dust, the shapes of the flowers and the vegetation, the translucence of a dragonfly’s wing when sunlight pours through it—these things have influenced my work.” - Ruth Asawa, 2001 Strength in Beauty For Nisei artist Ruth Asawa, her work reflects the richness of everyday life and the beauty of ordinary things. Her intricately crocheted wire sculptures, lithographs, and drawings, speak of the …

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