Información enviada por Masaji

Kizuna: Nikkei Stories from the 2011 Japan Earthquake & Tsunami

“Human Ties” 3/11 volunteer group in Tohoku, Japan

Norm Masaji Ibuki

“Human Ties” is a Sendai-based organization originally established as an NPO in the aftermath of the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami that devastated the Pacific coastal region of Tohoku. It is now a registered charitable foundation.

An intimate conversation with “Torn Apart” author Susan Aihoshi

Norm Masaji Ibuki

This year, all Canadians, especially those of us of Japanese descent, should take a special moment to meditate on what happened to our community just 70 years ago when our right to be Canadian was challenged in ways that are unimaginable for anyone born after we were “Enemy Aliens.”

Kizuna: Nikkei Stories from the 2011 Japan Earthquake & Tsunami

“Kizuna” One Year Later

Norm Masaji Ibuki

I’ll never forget the morning when I heard about the earthquake and tsunami that happened on March 11, 2011. It was a school day.

Torn Apart: The Internment Diary of Mary Kobayashi

Norm Masaji Ibuki

Friday, December 12, 1941“We’ve heard about some awful things happening to Jewish people in Germany because of the Nazis. That sounded so far away until now. I keep telling myself at least we live in Canada and those things can’t possibly happen to us.”                  —Susan Aihoshi, Torn Apart: The Internment …

Volunteerism: My New Year’s Resolution

Norm Masaji Ibuki

I can’t imagine coming through a more turbulent year than 2011.

Finally... Retribution for 1942 University of British Columbia Nisei

Norm Masaji Ibuki

Seventy years ago, 76 University of British Columbia students were not able to complete their degrees simply because they were of Japanese descent.

Kizuna: Nikkei Stories from the 2011 Japan Earthquake & Tsunami

Linda Ohama’s Message of Hope for Tohoku

Norm Masaji Ibuki

I am very proud to say that my friend film maker/poet/artist Linda Ohama of Vancouver has spearheaded some of the most ambitious relief efforts for the Tohoku tsunami and earthquake victims in Japan.

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*Sansei *Born in Toronto *Grandparents are from Shiga and Kumamoto kens* Families were interned in Kaslo, Bayfarm and on a Manitoba beet farm * Lived in Sendai, Japan from 1994 to 2004 * Teacher in Brampton, ON * Aikidoka * Writer for the Nikkei Voice for close to 20 years * Writer of "Canadian Nikkei series" which aims at preserving Canadian Nikkei stories. Future of the community? It depends on how successful we are in engaging our youth. The University of Victoria's (BC) Landscapes of Injustice project is a good one.... gambatte kudasai!

Intereses Nikkei

  • historias de comunidades
  • historias familias
  • festivales/matsuri
  • japonesa/comida nikkei
  • Japantowns
  • taiko
  • aikido

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Proyecto Japanese American National Museum

The Nippon Foundation