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Heart Mountain Hospital. Image from the Second Heart Mountain Reunion 1985. Yoshi worked in this Hospital as a nurses assistant. Her mother made specialized meals for the sick and elderly.

From an article written by Lincoln Thomson Dec. 28-31, 1942- "A 175-bed hospital is rapidly being completed with the latest equipment. There were 78 people in it last week. The birthrate averages two per week. There are four doctors, all Japanese Americans, assisted by corps of registered nurses, both Japanese and Caucasians. Student nurses will be trained. Director Ernst said that the camp is trying in every way to make life bearable under many adverse circumstances, and that to his knowledge its occupants are all excellent American citizens or potential citizens." - From Topaz Reunion 1998 booklet, excerpts from a Salt Lake City publication.


Nekesu — Última actualización Mar 30 2011 7:56 p.m.

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