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Christian gatherings in homes
(1926 - 2012) Scholar and professor of anthropology. Leader in the establishment of ethnic studies as an academic discipline

Being multicultural before it was “in”
Japanese American Creative designer living in Japan

Going to Brazil to escape debt (Japanese)
(1911-2010) Founder of JACTO group

Learning skills by watching others work (Japanese)
(1911-2010) Founder of JACTO group

Repaying Brazil by educating the technicians (Japanese)
(1911-2010) Founder of JACTO group

Moving to Brazil wanting to see the world (Japanese)
Kasato-maru immigrants

Deciding to migrate to Brazil upon the influence of my Senpai (Japanese)
(b.1911) Issei educator

Looking back on my 50 years in Brazil (Japanese)
(b.1911) Issei educator

Moved to Japan as my dekasegi father called on me (Japanese)
(b. 1979) Sansei Nikkei Brazilian who lives in Oizumi-machi in Gunma prefecture. He runs his own design studio.
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