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The Japanese society reacts to Nikkei living in Japan (Japanese)
Tsuda College President, researcher of Nikkei history
Easier to be a foreigner in Japan (Spanish)
(b. 1969) Former president of Centro Nikkei Argentino.
Appearance vs. Combat Effectiveness
(1919 - 2006) World War II and Korean War veteran
General Ryder’s faith in the 100th infantry battalion
(1919 - 2006) World War II and Korean War veteran
Reception of Hamako by family
(1916 - 2013) Member of the U.S. Military Intelligence Service
Growing Up in Japan
(b. 1930) Half Japanese and grew up in both Japan and the United States.
Meeting Hamako in Japan
(1916 - 2013) Member of the U.S. Military Intelligence Service
Meeting Mr. Amano
(1916 - 2013) Member of the U.S. Military Intelligence Service
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