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Being Denied as a Japanese American Lawyer
(b. 1934) The First Japanese American Appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals.
Discrimination faced in San Francisco (Japanese)
(b. 1937) A war bride from Yokohama
The riot in Manzanar
(b. 1921) Nisei veteran who served in the occupation of Japan
Father’s Optimism
(b. 1934) Award-winning Disney animation artist who was incarcerated at Topaz during WWII
Tanforan Assembly Center
(b. 1934) Award-winning Disney animation artist who was incarcerated at Topaz during WWII
Father making shell brooches at Topaz
(b. 1934) Award-winning Disney animation artist who was incarcerated at Topaz during WWII
Accepted by Japanese society as I learned more Japanese (Japanese)
(b. 1979) Sansei Nikkei Brazilian who lives in Oizumi-machi in Gunma prefecture. He runs his own design studio.
General reasons why people left Japan for Peru
Okinawan American whose parents are from Peru.
Parents identification as Peruvian Okinawan
Okinawan American whose parents are from Peru.
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